Opportunities & Events
Salado UMC Reopening on February 21!
We are excited to begin in-person worship on Sunday, February 21 with two services: an indoor service, which will require a reservation, at 9:00 A.M., and an outdoor service at 11:00 A.M., which will not require a reservation. Online worship will continue unchanged. Click here for more details!
Drive Through Ashes | Ash Wednesday
7:00-9:00 A.M. | 11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. | 4:00-6:00 P.M.
SUMC parking lot
Epiphany Blessing of Homes
In some parts of the world, there is a custom of gathering in places of residence or work to ask God’s blessing on those dwellings and upon all who live, work, and visit there. We are excited to participate in this custom with our own Epiphany Blessing of Homes! To learn more about the project and how to participate, please click here: https://conta.cc/38H40jE or email or call the office at sumc@saladoumc.org or (254)947-5482.
Confirmation Classes beginning in February
The 2021 Confirmation Class is expected to begin meeting in February. Traditionally, starting in 6th grade, young people are offered the opportunity to participate in Confirmation to affirm the faith of the church, renew the vows of baptism, and commit to lives of discipleship as members of the church. If you have questions about Confirmation, please contact Salina Brown, sbrown@saladoumc.org or 947-5482.
M&M Kids Canned Food Drive in February
The M&M Kids are collecting canned foods for the Hearts and Hands food pantry in the month of February. Please bring your donations by February 24th, and we will spend time that evening boxing them up to send to Hearts and Hands. We will take any non-perishable goods that are not expired, but please consider donating something from the “needed but not frequently found” food list: Canned meat, Canned fruit, Hamburger helper, Shelf stable milk/powered milk, Instant Mashed potatoes, Canned beans, Applesauce, Oatmeal, Granola bars, Whole grain cereal, Tea or coffee
M&M Kids Wednesday Nights - Follow us on social media for information.
M&M Kids offers classes, mission projects, and Bible lessons for children in Grades K-6.
February Dates: Wednesdays, February 3, 10 & 24 (mission project);
NO M&M Kids on February 17 due to Ash Wednesday
Contact KristenVG@saladoumc.org for more information.
Youth FourTwelve Wednesday Nights - Follow us on social media for information.
All Youth are invited to join in fellowship, food, study, and fun on Wednesday nights! Contact PCorder@saladoumc.org for more information.
Youth FourTwelve Sunday Nights - Follow us on social media for more information
Sophomores - Seniors are invited to join together on Sunday nights for in-depth discussion and fellowship.
Follow SUMC Youth on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for location information.
Contact PCorder@saladoumc.org for more information.
Join the SUMC Shepherd Ministry!
Learn about the new Shepherd Ministry, and how you can get involved in caring for our congregation!