You can access Pastor Tommy's past sermons from 2024 here.
Pastor Tommy's Written Sermons
One of the things I am enjoying about this sermon series on wrestling with doubt is that I can relate to almost everything we’re talking about. So, for instance, today we will be discussion the question of who’s going to heaven or, to put it a little differently, who’s saved? I shared a few weeks ago how I went away from the church and from God early in my life. And one of the things that took me away from the church and kept me there was this very question. Read the full text here.
Last week we talked about the question of whether there really is a God. We talked about how we all believe in something, either in God or in something else. I explained how and why I choose to believe in God, and invited all of you to make the same choice. But there are a lot of people, maybe some of you, who just aren’t there yet. There are a lot of people who may generally believe in some sort of higher power, but they have a difficult time believing in God, at least God as we Christians understand God. Read the full text here.
I think I’ve shared with y’all before that I was raised in the Catholic church, but never really got it. It all seemed like a bunch of empty formality. So I left the church—and God—as soon as I had the chance. Maybe in an effort to justify my rejection of God, I decided that science had exposed belief in God as mere wishful thinking. Science provided a coherent explanation of how the universe, the earth, life, and us came into existence over the course of billions of years. And that explanation didn’t involve a garden or a snake or an apple. Read the full text here.