Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

9:00 A.M. | Traditional Worship

11:00 A.M. | Band-Led Worship

Sunday School between each service at 10:00 A.M. 

Childcare available for children 4 and younger Sunday mornings.

Online Worship

Both worship services are live-streamed each Sunday service on our YouTube channel. Worship is available anytime in the following ways:

Sunday School

Children's Sunday School

Children's Sunday school for ages pre-K through 6th grade meets at 10:00 A.M. in Room 124; this fall, we will use Deep Blue curriculum from Cokesbury Kids

Youth Ministry

Youth Sunday School meets at 10:00 A.M. in the YAC. You can also find devotions and Sunday messages on the Youth FourTwelve Instagram page.

Adult Sunday School

Wired Word // room 101

Builders Class // room 113

Voyagers // room 117

Crazy Love // room 118

TruthSeekers // room 119    


For more information about the classes that are meeting contact

254-947-5482 or