This page will provide you access to all of the information you need for a fun online Vacation Bible School! Each day of VBS will be linked from this page beginning at 8 am on the given day. The link will take you to all of the videos and activity sheets you will need for that day.
VBS Day 1 - Armor Up with Justice!
VBS Day 2 - Armor Up with Peace!
VBS Day 3 - Armor Up with Faith!
VBS Day 4 - Armor Up with Salvation!
If you registered your child before June 12th, you will also get all of this information in an email everyday, and you will have received your materials kit and t-shirt for those who live locally.
These resources will be available separately with the specific day they accompany, but we are also providing them here for those who want look ahead.
VBS 2020 Activity & Resource Sheets
Bible Story Activities (All Days)
JUSTICE Cutout for Crafts (Day 1)
FAITH Cutout for Crafts (Day 3)
If you have questions about the materials, contact Kristen Von Gonten at